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student looking at computer receiving guidance


Accessible to all students.

Alamance Community College is invested in full compliance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The Accessibility Services office at the College ensures that the programs and facilities of the College are appropriately accessible to students.


If you have never submitted an accommodation request to ACC Accessibility Services, please click the button below. You will fill out a short accommodation request form and will be able to upload supporting documentation as well.

I Am New


If you already have accommodations in place at ACC, please click the button below to be taken to the login page for Accommodate, then click the Student option. Log in using your ACC username and password.

Log In to Account


The Accommodation Request and FERPA Release of Information forms are located in the forms section on the Accessibility Services Moodle site. In addition, information about documentation is available in the Documentation Guidelines section on this site. Directions to access the Moodle site located on the Accessibility Services webpage.

Typically, 10-15 business days after the forms and documentation have been received and reviewed Accessibility Services will contact you (usually through ACCess e-mail) to schedule an appointment to discuss the request. During high volume times of the year, the process may take longer. It is strongly recommended that forms and documentation be submitted at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester or class.

1.Who are students registered with Accessibility Services?

Accessibility Services students with appropriately documented disabilities significantly affecting major life functions. Students registered with our office have disabilities including: physical, visual, hearing, psychiatric, learning disabilities, ADD/ ADHD, other health disabilities and traumatic brain injury.

2.  Do I have to be registered with Accessibility Services in order to be recognized on campus as a student with a disability and to have access to reasonable accommodations or services at ACC?

Yes.  Colleges fall under different laws than high schools.  There are differences in areas including disclosure of disability, documentation, registration process, accommodations and services available, and student responsibilities in requesting and using accommodations.

3. I have heard that I can sign a waiver allowing you to talk to my parents.  I’ve also heard that the waiver will allow my parents to handle college matter for me.  Is this true?

A college student at ACC can sign a FERPA waiver giving permission to share information with your parents.  Accessibility Services requires that the student handles any matters related to this office, including registration and accommodation.  We do not work with the parent in place of the student.

4. Will my IEP and 504 Plan from high school transfer to ACC?

No, neither document transfers.  You can provide your IEP or 504 Plan as secondary documentation in determination of accommodations.

5.  How long is the registration process?

You should allow 2-3 weeks (10-15 business) once all the documentation has been received in Accessibility Services.  Please note, certain accommodations or services (ex: sign language interpreters) take longer to implement so students are encouraged to start the registration 30 days prior to the beginning of the semester.

6. What types of Accessibility Services are offered?  What services do I qualify for?

Services are determined on an individualized case by case base.  This process involves a review of documentation and an interactive meeting with the student.

7.  How do you register with Accessibility Services?

For detailed information, please review Accessibility Services webpage related how to register with Accessibility Services.

8. What does the term “documentation” mean?  Does documentation mean that you need my medical records?

In general “documentation” means a letter from a doctor, or a psycho-educational evaluation from a psychologist, depending upon your disability.   We do not accept medical records because we cannot interpret and evaluate medical records.  A typed letter on letterhead or psycho-educational evaluation allows the medical professional to explain the disability and significant effects on major life functions.  More information on disability documentation guidelines is located on the Accessibility Services webpage.

9. Once I am registered with Accessibility Services, are my instructors automatically notified of my disability and need for accommodations?

No. We cannot provide information about your disability to anyone on campus without written consent from you.  Each semester, you must notify Accessibility Services of the accommodations you will need.  In most cases, instructors are only informed of the accommodations you will need in their class and not the nature of the disability.

10.  In high school, my teacher handled arrangements for extended test time.  Will it work the same way at ACC?

No.  In college, you have an active role in obtaining accommodations.  Accessibility Services has a testing center.  The Coordinator of Special Needs will provide you information on the testing request process.  The request process outlines the students, faculty and Accessibility Servicess responsibilities.

11. What if I don’t need accommodations in all my classes? Can I just use accommodations for certain classes?

Yes.  The structure of classes can be different and you may not need accommodations in all of your classes.  You only need to request accommodations for the classes you need them in.

12.  I am not sure if I will need accommodations. Should I register with Accessibility Services

To register with Accessibility Services is the student’s decision.  Students may find it beneficial to register as soon as possible and then confirm required accommodations each semester as needed.  Again, the information you provide will remain confidential.

13.  What if I feel uncomfortable talking to my instructors about my accommodations?

Advocating for yourself is an important skill to learn.  However, if you have little experience doing this, please let us know so we can discuss with you how to best talk with your instructor.  Most instructors are aware of the procedures and are genuinely interested in your success.

14.  Can an instructor deny my accommodation?

If an instructor feels that your accommodation modifies the essential function or significantly alters the course or exam, the instructor must notify Accessibility Services immediately.  The Coordinator of Special Needs will communicate with student and instructor to address the situation.

15.  Can I receive a failing grade in a college class in which I am receiving accommodations?

Yes.  Accommodations ensure “access” not “success”.

16. Does ACC provide testing to identify a learning disability or update documentation? 

No.  We have a list of individuals in the community who can provide those services.  The student is responsible for the cost of the evaluation.  The evaluation can be shared with Accessibility Services if there is a potential need for accommodations or services.